Monday, May 26, 2014

Rotator cuff repair postoperative rehabilitation protocol


Anastasios Papadonikolakis, MD, PhD

PERIOD 1: First to 7 days after surgery


1. Protect the repaired tendons of the rotator cuff
2. Begin early shoulder motion

What to do:

After the operation

1. After surgery you will be taken to the post anesthesia care unit where the nurses will evaluate you and make sure that your pain is under control. The arm will be immobilized in a sling.
2. After you go home or to your hospital room you should get out of bed and move around as much as you can but with assistance the first day of surgery. Sit on the side of the bed before you start walking to avoid losing your balance and having a fall
3. Elevate with a pillow your hand with a pillow under the arm. Move your fingers and wrist to avoid swelling
4. Apply cold packs to the operated shoulder to reduce pain and swelling. Make sure that the ice does not come in contact with the skin (we suggest wrapping the ice in a towel)
5. You can remove your sling while keeping your elbow touching to your belly (no shoulder motion) and move your fingers, hand and elbow to increase circulation.
6. You will receive a prescription for pain medication for when you go home (it will make you
constipated if you take it for a long time). Make sure you drink 2-3 liters of water daily and that you take the stool softener as well.

Day 1 after the surgery

1. The large dressing can be removed and a small bandage applied.
2. Remove the sling several times a day to gently move the arm in a pendulum motion: lean
forward and passively swing the arm.

What  you can do at home 

1. Please remove  the bandages. Leave the small pieces of tape (steristrips) in place. 
2. You may shower and get the incision wet. To wash under the operated arm, bend over at the 
waist and let the arm passively come away from the body. It is safe to wash under the arm in 
this position. This is the same position as the pendulum exercise. DO NOT TAKE BATHS
3. Apply cold to the shoulder for 20 minutes at a time as needed to reduce pain and swelling. 
4. Remove the sling several times a day: move the elbow wrist and hand. Lean over and do 
pendulum exercises for 3 to 5 minutes every 1 to 2 hours. 
5. DO NOT lift your arm at the shoulder using your muscles. 
6. Because of the need for your comfort and the protection of the repaired tendon, a sling is 
usually necessary for 4 to 6 weeks, unless otherwise instructed by your surgeon. 

When to see the doctor: 

Please arrange to see your surgeon in the office 3-10 days after surgery for suture removal and 
further instructions. If you have questions or concerns regarding your surgery or the rehabilitation 
protocol and exercises call the office.

Rehabilitation after Rotator Cuff Repair 

Phase One: 0 to 6 weeks after surgery 

1. Protect the rotator cuff repair 
2. Ensure wound healing 
3. Prevent shoulder stiffness 
4. Regain range of motion 

1. Sling 
Use your sling most of the time. Remove the sling 4 or 5 times a day to 
do pendulum exercises. 
2. Use of the affected arm 
You may use your hand on the affected arm in front of your body but DO 
NOT raise your arm or elbow away from your body. It is all right for you 
to flex your arm at the elbow. Also: 
-No Lifting of Objects. Nothing heavier than a cup of coffee.
-No Excessive Shoulder Extension 
-No Excessive Stretching or Sudden Movements 
-No Supporting of Body Weight by Hands 

3. Showering 
You may shower or bath and wash the incision area. To wash under the 
affected arm, bend over at the waist and let the arm passively come away 
from the body. It is safe to wash under the arm in this position. This is 
the same position as the pendulum exercise. 

Exercise Program 
Days per Week: 7 As necessary 15- 20 minutes 
Times per Day: 4-5 

Days per Week: 7 Times per day: 4-5 

Pendulum exercises 
Supine External Rotation 
Supine passive arm elevation 
Scapular retraction
Shoulder shrug 
Ball squeeze exercise 
Starting at 3rd week after surgery: 
Behind the back internal rotation

PERIOD 2: 6 to 12 weeks after surgery

1. Protect the rotator cuff repair
2. Improve range of motion of the shoulder 

3. Begin gentle strengthening

1. Sling
Your sling is no longer necessary unless your doctor instructs you to continue using it.
2. Use of the operated arm
You should continue to avoid lifting your arm away from your body, since this is the action of the tendon that was repaired. You can lift your arm forward in front of your body but
not to the side. You may raise your arm to the side, if you use the good arm to assist the operated arm.
3. Bathing and showering
Continue to follow the instructions from phase one and the instructions above.

Exercise Program
The exercises listed below may be gradually integrated into the rehabilitation program under the supervision of your doctor and/or physical therapist.

Days per week: 5-7
Times per day: 1-3
Pendulum exercises
Supine External Rotation
Standing External Rotation
Supine passive arm elevation Active-Assisted Arm Elevation
Behind the back internal rotation
Supine external Rotation with Abduction External rotation @ 90o abduction Supine Cross-Chest Stretch
Wall slide Stretch
Overhead pullies

Active Motion
Side-lying External Rotation
Prone Horizontal Arm Raises “T”
Prone row
Prone scaption “Y”
Prone extension
Active-assisted Arm Elevation progressing to:
Standing Forward Flexion (scaption) with scapulohumeral rhythm

Resisted forearm supination-pronation Resisted wrist flexion-extension Sub-maximimal isometric exercises: internal and external rotation at neutral with physical therapist
Rhythmic stabilization and proprioceptive training drills with physical therapist

Phase 3: 12-18 weeks after surgery
  1. Protect the rotator cuff repair
  2. Regain full range of motion
  3. Continue gentle strengthening
Use of the operated arm
You may now safely use the arm for normal daily activities involved with dressing, bathing and self-care. You may raise the arm away from the body; however, you should not raise the arm when carrying objects greater than one pound. Any forceful pushing or pulling activities could disrupt the healing of your surgical repair.

Exercise Program
The exercises below form a list that may be gradually integrated into the rehabilitation program under the supervision of your doctor and/or physical therapist. Resistance for the dynamic strengthening exercises can gradually be added starting with 1 lb and should not exceed 3 lb at this time.

Days per week: 3
Times per day: 1
Pendulum exercises
Supine external Rotation 

Standing external Rotation 
Supine passive arm elevation 
Behind the back internal rotation 
Hands-behind-the-head stretch 
Supine cross-chest stretch 
Sidelying internal rotation stretch 
External rotation at 90° abduction stretch
Wall slide Stretch

Theraband Strengthening
External Rotation Internal Rotation Standing Forward Punch Shoulder Shrug Dynamic hug
“W”’s Seated Row Biceps curl
Dynamic Strengthening
Side-lying External Rotation
Prone Horizontal Arm Raises “T” Prone scaption “Y”
Prone row
Prone extension
Scapulohumeral rhythm exercises Standing forward flexion (scaption) PNF manual resistance with physical therapist
Propriocetion drills

Phase 4: 18 to 26 weeks after surgery
1. Continue to protect the repair by avoiding excessive forceful use of the arm or lifting excessively heavy weights.
2. Restore full shoulder motion
3. Restore full shoulder strength

4. Gradually begin to return to normal activity
1. Sports that involve throwing and the use of the arm in the overhead position are the most demanding on the rotator cuff. Your doctor and sports physical therapist will provide you with specific instructions on how and when to return to golf, tennis, and volleyball, swimming and throwing.
2. For people who wish to return to training with weights, you’re your doctor will give you guidelines regarding the timing and advice when returning to a weight-training program.
3. The following timetable can be considered as a minimum for return to most activities:
Weight Training 

              6 -8 months

Before returning safely to your activity, you must have full range of motion, full strength and no swelling or pain.
Your doctor or physical therapist will provide you with a specific interval-training program to follow when it is time to return the above activities.

Days per week: 3 
Times per day: 1

Behind the back internal rotation
Standing External Rotation / Doorway Wall slide Stretch
Hands-behind-head stretch
Supine Cross-Chest Stretch
Sidelying internal rotation (sleeper stretch) External rotation at 90° Abduction stretch

Theraband Strengthening
External Rotation Internal Rotation Standing Forward Punch Shoulder Shrug Dynamic hug
Optional for Overhead Sports:
External rotation at 90° Internal rotation at 90° Standing ‘T’s Diagonal up
Diagonal down
Dynamic Strengthening
It is recommended that these exercises be limited to resistance not to exceed 5lb.
Side-lying External Rotation
Prone Horizontal Arm Raises “T”
Prone scaption “Y”
Prone row
Prone extension
Standing Forward Flexion
Standing forward flexion “full-can” exercise Prone external rotation at 90° abduction “U’s Push-up progression

Plyometric Exercises
Your doctor or physical therapist will provide you with a specific plyometric-training program to follow when appropriate.
Weight Training
See weight training precautions
The exercises illustrated and described in this document should be performed only after instruction by your physical therapist or doctor.
Pendulum exercise

Bend over at the waist and let the arm hang down. Using your body to initiate movement, swing the arm gently forward and backward and in a circular motion.

Shoulder shrug

Shrug shoulders upward as illustrated.

Shoulder blade pinches
Pinch shoulder blades backward and together, as illustrated.

Supine passive arm elevation
Lie on your back. Hold the affected arm at the wrist with the opposite hand. Using the strength of the opposite arm, lift the affected arm upward, as if to bring the arm overhead, slowly lower the arm back to the bed.

Supine external rotation
Lie on your back. Keep the elbow of the affected arm against your side with the elbow bent at 90 degrees. Using a cane or long stick in the opposite hand, push against the hand of the affected arm so that the affected arm rotates outward. Hold 10 seconds, relax and repeat.

Behind-the-back internal rotation
Sitting in a chair or standing, place the hand of the operated arm behind your back at the waistline. Use your opposite hand, as illustrated, to help the other hand higher toward the shoulder blade. Hold 10 seconds, relax and repeat.

Supine cross-chest stretch
Lying on your back, hold the elbow
of the operated arm with the opposite hand. Gently stretch the elbow toward the opposite shoulder. Hold for 10 seconds.

Sidelying internal rotation stretch
Lie on your side with the arm positioned so that the arm is at a right angle to the body and the elbow bent at a 90o angle. Keeping the elbow at a right angle, rotate the arm forward as if to touch the thumb to the table. Apply a gentle stretch with the opposite arm. Hold 10 to 15 seconds.

External rotation at 90o abduction stretch
Lie on your back. Support the upper arm, if needed, with towels or a small pillow. Keep arm at 90 degrees to the body and the elbow bent at 90 degrees. Using a stick and the opposite arm, stretch as if to bring the thumb to

the corner of the table adjacent to your ear. Hold for 10 seconds, and then return to the starting position

Wall slide stretch
Stand facing a wall; place the hands of both arms on the wall. Slide the hands and arms upward. As you are able to stretch the hand and arm higher, you should move your body closer to the wall. Hold 10 seconds, lower the arm by pressing the hand into the wall and letting it slide slowly down.

Seated/Standing Forward Elevation (Overhead Elbow Lift) During this phase, you can stand or sit in a chair. If it is easier, begin lying on your back until you achieve maximal motion, then use the standing or seated position. Assume an upright position with erect posture, looking straight ahead. Place your hands on either thigh with the operated thumb facing up and your elbow straight. In the beginning, this stretch is not performed solely with the operated arm, but uses the uninjured hand for assistance going up and coming down. As you become stronger, you can raise and lower your arm without assistance. The operated arm should be lifted as high as possible, or to your end-point of pain. Try to raise the arm by hinging at the shoulder as opposed to raising the arm with the shoulder blade.

Standing forward flexion
Stand facing a mirror with the hands rotated so that the thumbs face forward. Raise the arm upward keeping the elbow straight. Try to raise the arm by hinging at the shoulder as opposed to raising the arm with the shoulder blade. Do
10 repetitions to 90 degrees. If you can do this without
hiking the shoulder blade, do 10 repetitions fully overhead.

Isometric internal and external rotation
Stand facing a doorjamb or the corner of a wall.
Keep the elbow tight against your side and hold the forearm at a right angle to the arm. For internal rotation, place the palm against the wall with the thumb facing up. For external rotation, place the back of the hand against the wall with the thumb facing up.
Pull or push against the wall and hold for 5 seconds

Ball squeeze exercises
Holding a rubber ball or tennis ball, squeeze the ball and hold for 5 seconds

Prone rowing
The starting position for this exercise is to bend over at the waist so that the affected arm is hanging freely straight down. Alternatively, lie face down on your bed with the operated arm hanging freely off of the side. While keeping the shoulder blade ‘set’, raise the arm up toward the ceiling while bending at the elbow. The elbow should be drawn along the side of the body until the hands touch the lower ribs. Always return slowly to the start position.

Prone horizontal abduction (‘T’s)
The starting position for this exercise is to bend over at the waist so that the affected arm is hanging freely straight down. Alternatively, lie face down on your bed with the operated arm hanging freely off of the side. Rotate your hand so that the thumb faces forward. While keeping the shoulder blade ‘set’ and keeping the elbows straight, slowly raise your arm away from your body to shoulder height, through a pain-free range of motion (so that your hand now has the thumb facing forward, and aligned with your cheek). Hold that position for 1 to 2 seconds and slowly lower. Limit the height that you raise the arm to 90 degrees, or in other words, horizontal to the floor.

Prone horizontal abduction with external rotation
The starting position for this exercise is to bend over at the waist so that the affected arm is hanging freely straight down. Alternatively, lie face down on your bed with the operated arm hanging freely off of the side. Rotate your hand so that the thumb faces outward. While keeping the shoulder blade ‘set’ and keeping the elbows straight, slowly raise your arm away from your body to shoulder height, through a pain-free range of motion (so that your hand now has the thumb facing forward, and aligned with your cheek). Hold that position for 1 to 2 seconds and slowly lower. Limit the height that you raise the arm to 90 degrees, or in other words, horizontal to the floor.

Prone scaption (‘Y’s)
The starting position for this exercise is to bend over
at the waist so that the affected arm is hanging freely straight down.
Alternatively, lie face down on your bed with the operated arm hanging freely off of the side. Keep the shoulder blade ‘set’ and keep the elbows straight. Slowly raise the arm away from your body and slightly forward through a pain-free range of motion (so that your hand now has the thumb facing up, and is aligned with your forehead). Hold that position for 1 to 2 seconds and slowly lower. Limit the height that you raise the arm to 90 degrees,or in other words, horizontal to the floor.

Prone extension
The starting position for this exercise is to bend over at the waist so that the affected arm is hanging freely straight down. Alternatively, lie face down on your bed with the operated arm hanging freely off of the side. While keeping the shoulder blade ‘set’ and keeping the elbow straight, raise the arm backward toward your hip with the thumb pointing outward. Do not lift
your hand past the level of your hip.

Prone external rotation at 90 o Abduction
Lie face down on a table with your arm hanging over the side of the table. Raise the arm to shoulder height at a 90o angle to the body. While holding the arm in this position, rotate the hand upward, until the hand is even with the elbow. Hold one second and slowly let the hand rotate to the starting position and repeat.

Sidelying external rotation
Lying on the non-operated side, bend your elbow to a 90-degree angle and keep the operated arm firmly against your side with your hand resting on your abdomen. By rotation at the shoulder, raise your hand upward, toward the ceiling through a comfortable range of motion. Hold this position for 1 to 2 seconds, and then slowly lower the hand.

Standing forward flexion (‘full-can’) exercise
Stand facing a mirror with the hands rotated so that the thumbs face forward. While keeping the shoulder blade ‘set’ and keeping the elbows straight, raise the arms forward and upward to shoulder level with a slight outward angle (30°). Pause for one second and slowly lower and repeat.

Lateral Raises
Stand with the arm at your side with the elbow straight and the hands rotated so that the thumbs face forward. Raise the arm straight out to the side, palm down, until
the hands reach shoulder level. Do not raise the hands higher than the shoulder. Pause and slowly lower the arm.

Theraband Strengthening
These resistance exercises should be done very slowly in both directions. We want to strengthen you throughout the full range of motion and it is very important that these exercises be done very slowly, not only when you complete the exercise (concentric), but also as you come back to the start position (eccentric). The slower the motion, the more maximal the contraction throughout a full range of motion.

External Rotation
Attach the theraband at waist level in a doorjamb or other. While standing sideways to the door and looking straight ahead, grasp one end of the band and pull the band all the way through until it is taut. Feet are shoulder width apart and the knees are slightly flexed. The elbow is placed next to the side with the hand as close to your chest as possible (think of this elbow as being a hinge on a gate). Taking the cord in the hand, move the hand away from the body as far as it feels comfortable. Return to the start position.

Internal Rotation
Attach the Theraband at waist level in a doorjamb or other. While standing sideways to the door and looking straight ahead, grasp one end of the handle and pull the cord all the way through until it is taut. Feet are shoulder width apart and the knees are slightly flexed. The elbow is placed next to the side and is flexed at 90 degrees (think of this elbow as being a hinge on a gate). Taking the cord in the hand, move the hand toward the chest as far as it feels comfortable. Return to the start position.

Shoulder Shrug
Stand on the theraband with your feet at should width apart and look straight ahead. Next, straighten up, keeping the knees slightly flexed, with your arms straight down at the sides (palms in). Slowly raise
the shoulders in a shrug (toward the ears), then rotate the shoulders backward in a circular motion, and
finally down to the original position. This movement is completed while keeping constant tension on the cord.

Seated / Standing Row
Attach the theraband in a doorjamb or other. Sit or stand facing the door. Use a wide flat—footed stance and keep your back straight. Begin with the arms slightly flexed, hands together at waist level in front of your body, thumbs pointing upward, and with the cord taut. You are producing a rowing motion. Pull the cord all the way toward the chest. While pulling the cord, the elbows should be drawn along the side of the body until the hands touch the lower ribs. Always return slowly to the start position.

Standing Forward Punch
Attach the theraband at waist level in the doorjamb. Facing away from the door, stand in a boxing position with one leg ahead of the other (stride position). Do not bend at the waist and remain in an upright position. If the right shoulder is the injured extremity, you will want to grasp the handle in the right hand and step out until the cord is taut. If you use the right hand, the left foot should be forward in the stride position. Begin with your right arm at waist level and bend the elbow at a 90 degree angle, with the elbow remaining near your side. Slowly punch forward while slightly raising the right arm in a forward, upward punching motion. The hand should reach approximately neck level with the right arm almost straight.

Biceps Curls
Place your feet on the cord, shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent. Keeping your elbows close to the sides of your body, slowly bend the arm at the elbow and curl towards the shoulder.

Dynamic Hug
With the tubing attach behind you at shoulder height, grip both ends of the tubing in your hands with the tubing on the outside of your shoulders. Pull the band forward and slightly downward in a ‘hugging’ motion, or as if you were wrapping both arm around a small tree. Pause and return slowly to the starting position.

With the tubing attached in front of you, stand with the tubing in both hands with the elbows bent at 90o and fixed at your side. Pull the band outward, keeping the elbow at your side. The arms rotate outward making the shape of a ‘W’.

Standing ‘T’s.
Stand with the theraband attached in front of you. Stand with the arm flexed forward at shoulder height with the elbow straight. While keeping the elbow straight, pull the arm toward the rear until the arm is by your side.

Theraband external rotation at 90o.
Stand with the theraband attached in front of you. Keeping the arm elevated to 90 degrees and the elbow at a 90-degree angle, rotate the hand and arm slowly backward and then return slowly to the start position.

Theraband internal rotation at 90o.
Stand with the theraband attached behind you. Keeping the arm elevated to 90 degrees and the elbow at a 90-degree angle, rotate the hand and arm slowly forward and then return slowly to the start position.

Theraband diagonal-up
Stand with the theraband attached on your left side for your right hand. Start with your right hand on the left hip with the thumb facing the hip. Start by pulling the band so that your hand travels up and behind your head.

Theraband diagonal-down
Stand with the theraband attached behind you at shoulder level. Start with your arm in throwing position. Pull the band down and across your body so that your thumb faces the opposite hip.